How to Join ScORSA

Membership of the Scottish Occupational Road Safety Alliance (ScORSA) is free and open to all organisations. Membership is not open to individuals.

If your organisation would like to join ScORSA please complete the Joining Questionnaire.

The contact details for you and your organisation will be added to a database of ScORSA Members (your details will be held according to Data Protection Act).

By joining you will have access to a licence for 10 RoSPA Driver Profilers, which will assist you in undertaking driver risk assessments.

Members will have access to the unique resources accessible in the password protected ScORSA resources area. Members will also receive the monthly newsletter.

Annually you will be invited to take part in a survey which will help to evaluate the website and to inform future ScORSA development.

We welcome at any time comments regarding the website or ScORSA resource development.
