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ScORSA Webinar
Understanding the Fatal Four: A focus on Speed And Drink & Drug Driving'.
Thursday 25th November 2021, 11.00am
Registration is required for this event please.
ScORSA Webinar
Focus on Fatigue
Thursday 27th January 2022 11.00am
Topic: Fatigue/Sleep and Driving
ScORSA Webinar
Technology and Driving
Thursday 17th February 2022 11.00am
Topic: Telematics/technology, Electric Vehicles, Autonomous vehicle
ScORSA Webinar
Vehicle Loading and All Terrain Vehicles
Thursday 31st March 2022 11.00am
Topic: Vehicle Loading; all terrain Vehicles
ScORSA St Andrew’s Webinar Series, Part 3
Thursday 25th February 2021, 10am – 11.30am
Driving for Work – Getting the message home
The third part in the St Andrew’s Webinar Series focussed on communication and the launch of a social media assets and member toolkit which will help build awareness of ScORSA and the benefits of MORR.
We shared some of the latest road safety messaging from our partners and heard an interesting case study on involving an audience using new technology.
Some audiences are harder to reach than others and we heard a brief insight into working in the gig economy during COVID-19.
ScORSA St Andrew’s Webinar Series, Part 2
28th January 2021, 10am – 11.30am
The seminar provided a first hand opportunity to understand where organisations ’fit’ within Scotland’s Road Safety Framework to 2030 and how you can get involved through ScORSA in its delivery.
The event also highlighted how members can influence the revision of the HSE guidance document INDG382: Driving for Work
Read a review of Part 2 here
- Introduction from Chair, Dr Karen McDonnell, RoSPA Policy Adviser and Head of Road Scotland
- Scotland’s Road Safety Framework to 2030 – Bertrand Deiss, Head of Road Safety Policy, Transport Scotland
- Overview of HSE INDG382 Driving for Work update - Nicola Jaynes, HM Inspector of Health and Safety
- Q&A session
- Closing remarks from Chair
Presentations are available here
The animated video mentioned in the presentation can be viewed here
and the webinar recording is available here
ScORSA St Andrew’s Webinar Series, Part 1.
26th November 2020
The opening seminar focused on Fatigue and Driving for Work.
You can view the introductions to the session here and the feedback from the breakout sessions here.
Wednesday 2nd September, 9.30am
Whole Person, Whole Life Road Safety
The webinar provided advice, campaign updates and case studies which cover road safety across the life course including driving for work, young drivers, older drivers and pedestrian safety.
This session lasted approximately 45 minutes and included time for a Q&A session after the presentations.
Speakers :
- Dr Karen McDonnell, RoSPA OHS Policy Adviser and Head of RoSPA Scotland : Lone and vulnerable workers including driving for work
- Michael McDonnell, Director, Road Safety Scotland : The Power of Gran - A Wee Bit of Toot Up Yer Snoot
- PC Neil MacDonald, Highland and Islands Road Policing Unit : Older Drivers/Pedestrian safety
Registration for this free webinar is now closed. To join future events you will need to download Webex to your preferred device.
ScORSA Webinar: Waste Industry Safety and Health (WISH) guidance during the COVID- 19 pandemic - a partnership approach
Friday 26th June 2020 at 09.30
During COVID WISH has continually updated guidance relevant to the industry and its interface with the public. The consultative and inclusive approach has allowed guidance to develop as the pandemic evolved. The webinar will provide insights into lessons learned to date and emerging issues as of June 2020, supported by a BINN Group case study. The webinar will also explore driving for work, driver health and the importance of creating the right environment for a conversation with staff.
- Dr Karen McDonnell, RoSPA OSH Policy Adviser and Head of RoSPA Scotland
- Chris Jones, WISH Forum
- Audrey Duckworth, SHEQ Manager, BINN Group
- Jim Brown, Group Commercial Director, BINN Group and Chair of SWITCH
There are no planned workshops at the present time